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EU Customs Certificate of Recognition – www.logistics-123.com

The Commission launched for the first time in 2019 the “EU Customs Certificate of Recognition initiative for academic customs study programmes (Bachelor/Master level)”. It is a step toward systematic recognition of customs-specific Bachelor and Master study programmes and modules within such programmes. The objective is to equip students with the optimal competencies to engage in – or further advance in – their Customs career, both in public and private sectors. Such recognised academic programmes are expected to significantly contribute to the rise of Customs performance and professionalism.

Therefore, interested academic institutions can now obtain an EU Certificate of Recognition acknowledging the quality of their customs specific study programmes with a label of excellence awarded by the European Commission. The process to obtain the EU Certificate of Recognition is based on the EU Competency Framework for Customs (CustCompeu) and explained in the Application GuideSearch for available translations of the preceding link.

All further documentation on the EU Recognition process is available on-line.

2019 is a pilot year for this new initiative that will only allow for a maximum of five recognition cases, which will be assessed on a ‘first come first served’ basis. The deadline to submit the applications is 15 April 2019. All applications received after this date will be assessed within the EU Recognition process for the year 2020.

For more information you can contact the EU Certificate of Recognition Secretariat.